Thursday, November 6, 2008

She's Baaack's been a while! A long while! You can blame it on the Crackberry! =)I am completely addicted. I pretty much didn't even open my laptop for a good 4 months unless I really needed to. I can do everything on there!! Plus, I am on the computer all day at work! Anyway....I still read all yours's just a little more difficult to comment! I thought since this really is a way for my family to find out what the heck I'm up to, I should probably update it more! A couple HUGE things have been going on!

I am living back in Sacramento and loving it. I will admit, I miss my parents a little (it was nice to be so close, always have good food etc.) but I still visit and of course see my dad on a daily basis!

This election was a huge one, and I wont get into how I feel about the outcome...but the most important part of the election for me, and why I voted for the first time, was Prop 8. I have to say it was a hard subject for me since a good portion of the people my age were voting No on 8. I am not a political person whatsoever, but this is something I knew everything about and knew it was 100% the right thing to do, so had to voice my opinion about it! I think we are extremely blessed that is has passed and hopefully *fingers crossed* it will not come up again!

Another huge thing is that I spent about 6 hours in the ER this weekend to find out I have gallstones! I woke up in the middle of the night in severe pain. We headed to the ER and after many questions, morphine and ultrasounds, they let me know I needed to get my gallbladder removed! This would explain why I feel horrible after every time I eat! So, I will be having surgery on the 21st of this month to remove my gallbladder! Yay, blogging time! I will be out of work for 10 days! yikes! The doctor suggested 2 weeks, but I just can't afford to take that much time off since I think I only have about 8 hours of paid time off right now. Bad timing!Thankfully I will be having the surgery above, where they only make 4 small incisions instead of one large one. That will make my recovery time a lot easier!


The Dragonfly said...

Welcome back Chelsea! We have missed you something fierce girl!

Congratulations on taking part in the democratic process. I know how hard all you Californians have worked on Prop 8 and I am very thankful to you for protecting MY marriage. I hope you will continue to vote as it truly is a great part of being an American.

I'm sorry to hear about your gall bladder (stupid useless organ). We'll being praying for a speedy recovery.

kendra joy said...

Oh sound as bad as Tyson where the Crackberry is concerned. ha ha. He is always on it & I have to constantly compete with it! We have had many conversations about this where I have to beg him to ignore it when we go on a date or something. I told him he has 5 months to stop texting on it while he drives because once the baby is born, he's not allowed to do that if he's driving & she's in the car!!!