For the last month I have been saying this to myself a whole lot!! I feel like I have been running around non-stop with my head cut off!! I will just re-cap the insaneness that has been happening!
First, some pictures from our get away to Reno. We had a lot of fun and Allen won $800 on a slot machine, right after I won $200 on a different machine. We had a lot of fun just relaxing & trying new places to eat. I was just happy to get away for a couple of days!
The day after we got back from Reno I was driving to a friends and my car started overheating. I filled it up with water and tried to take it to Allen's work so he could check it out. As I am getting off the on-ramp, my check engine light goes on and my car dies. I coast into the Fry's parking lot and try and let it cool down a little. A half hour later my car won't start. I think my battery is dead. Allen comes from work and gives me a jump. I drive to Allen's work...barely. He checks out my head gasket is blown. I get my car towed back home. Because we were trying to save every little penny to move out, Allen uses some head gasket sealant (which I tell ya, is a 2 hour process right there!) My car works! I drive it for 3 days. 3 days rush hour traffic, Allen and I are driving to a cycle shop, and car the fast lane....and will barely even move. So, we are stuck on the side of the freeway, well, the median...which is pretty much bushes. About a half hour later (which went by fast because I had a perfect view of the solar eclipse) our tow truck driver arrives, as well as a cop. He is worried about where my car is, as well as we were...for a half hour trying not to get hit!! So...the cop CLOSES DOWN THE FREEWAY!!! As I push my car across the freeway, I look at all the stopped cars and I just had to laugh. The whole 6 lane Interstate 80 is closed for us right now so I can push my car to the other side. Always good times. :) Needless to say, Allen later took apart my car and changed my head gasket, which was completely fine. 2 head bolts had backed out and it warped my head. After getting it milled, buying all new head bolts and putting it all together (thank you hunny!!!), my car runs great again. I guess I can't complain, I have had that car for 5 years with absolutely no problems. I guess it got tired after the 190,000 mark.
While this is all going on, I am franticly looking for places to live because I finally have enough money to do so! After looking at many properties and areas, I find one right next to my work. I was really excited because it was so close and would help in more ways than one. Sunday we go and look at the house together and before we even fill out an application, the guys loves us and tells us we can move in on Friday. Yay! We call all our friends and I start figuring out our storage, getting internet set up, and all the rest of the great things you do when you find out you are moving! So the next day, I call our potential Landlord and ask if we can move in 1 day early because it would be Allen's day off and I would save $128 if I had all my stuff moved out by Friday. After I ask him, he proceeds to tell me that his wife wants to keep it up for rent until Sunday so we could no longer move in unless no one else applied. I was so PO'd. The next couple of days really tripped me out. On Tuesday someone calls at my work for Ed Jones (Allen's dad). I say....there is no Ed Jones here...he says oh, Chelsea I am looking for your boss. Hmm....ok. So I give him my bosses cell phone. He proceeds to call her 2 times and leave 2 messages in 5 minutes. After he talks to her he then calls Allen's boss. AFTER all of that, he GOES to Allen's parents house to question his parents about us. Allen's parents have no idea we are even looking to move, so I am sure that was fun. Allen's dad says he is there for about a half hour asking where we work, how long we have worked there, why we were living with them, what kind of people we were, etc, etc. I don't know about all of you, but that is just plain weird and crossing the line. He seemed a little weird before, but that just put the icing on the cupcake. That's not the end either. He then calls me at 9:30pm that night. I don't hear my phone but I later listen to the voicemail that says this...."Oh hello Chelsea, it's Keith. I know it's late, I will call you tomorrow." At this point me and Allen have a serious conversation about not moving at all, especially with this guy. So the next morning, the Landlord calls my cellphone. I don't pick up because I am at work and getting my morning stuff done that needs to be done ASAP. He then calls my work, and I tell them to let him know I was not there. He then calls my cell phone again and leaves a message. I finally just call him back. He lets me know he got information from everyone and would be glad for us to move in. I let him know we already found a place.....creepy.
Other than that, work is currently consuming my life. We have decided to stay around here for a while longer so I can work on fixing my credit and maybe move out a little later.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Wow! Lots going on Chels! Hope all is well now!
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